This weekend is both joyous, and grievous to me. Joel has been at his mother’s for the past 2 weeks. Monday night, he comes home with me.
During this time, I have missed him terribly. On the flip-side, I have enjoyed the freedom to go play tennis, hang out with friends, and generally do what I want, whenever I want.
I have also been concerned about Joel. He struggles to get along with the children of the man that my ex moved in with. His mother didn’t give him time to adjust to the separation, before plunging him into her new relationship. He has dealt with it better than I think I ever could.
The thought of Monday brings joy and relief from worry. It also brings with it a renewed sense of trepidation and concern. I have to again be the single parent of an Aspergers child that is entering the teen years. I often wonder if I have what it takes. I fear making the wrong decisions as a parent, and causing long term harm to my child.
I am haunted by so many questions. How much to I force him to socialize to help him learn to deal with others? How much to I let him be alone to recover from spending the last 2 weeks with far too many people in a small apartment? How much time on the computer is too much? How can I help him deal with the teen years, girls, and peer pressure? How do I help him not waste all the potential he has? How do I connect with him better? The questions are endless, and I have no clear answers.
I know that most parents wonder if they have what it takes to raise their kid(s) right. Single parents have that concern much stronger. Not only do I have those concerns, but my child has special needs. It often feels overwhelming.
Part of me wants to scream that it wasn’t supposed to be this way. I no longer miss my ex as a mate, but I do miss having help in raising my son. I have dealt with most of the issues around the divorce, but this one still plagues me.
If any of you reading this blog is a single parent, or you have already raised your children alone, can you give me any advice on dealing with all of this? Is it normal to have so many conflicting thoughts and emotions concerning your role as a parent? Is it normal to feel so inadequate for the task?